Cattle manure to fuel 100 million gallon ethanol plant in Texas

What do pandas and cows have in common? I'll give you one point for saying that they're both mammals. I'll give you two f you said they both have something to do with ethanol.*

To wit: Panda Ethanol announced a new 100 million gallon a year ethanol plant last week that will be built in Muleshoe, Texas, and the cool part is that this plant, like three other Panda Ethanol plants, will be run off of steam from gasifying cattle manure. Panda says it will be "one of the most fuel efficient ethanol refineries in the nation". Panda's press release says that once the plant begins to output its full capacity, the U.S. will need to import about 2.6 million fewer barrels of oil a year. Let's get moving.

[Source: Panda Ethanol Inc.]

*points not redeemable for anything except self-esteem. Good for you!

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