What to get the man who has... an island: Michael Schumacher's custom Harley retirement gift

The crown prince of Dubai has already pledged to give ex-F1 racer Michael Schumacher his own man-made island called "The World", so what other man-made gift can top that as a retirement present? The Ferrari Clienti, a group of folks who buy and race classic and late model Ferrari competition cars, doesn't count any crown princes among its members, but it did manage to scrape up enough coin to commission for Schumacher his very own custom built Harley Davidson. The appropriately colored motor bike was given to Schumacher at a Clienti event at Monza and will join the 7-time World Champion's bike collection that spans multiple continents and already includes a few Harleys. We're not very well versed in two-wheel culture, so lacking any concrete info we can't tell you much more about the bike, though any readers who can shed more light on the custom creation are welcome to in the comments.

[Source: Winding Road]

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