Honda to UK drivers: you're wasting gas

Here's a good way to get drivers' attention: tell them they're "pouring gallons of fuel down the drain through inefficient driving". That's the message Honda wants to make clear to drivers in the UK during Energy Saving Week (going on now). Honda is making the claim based on new research by the Energy Saving Trust, which revealed driver bad habits like not turning the engine off when in stationary traffic and revving the engine when they're not moving. Both of these actions are like standing over the sink with the pump handle in your squeezed hand, just watching the fuel flow away. If you don't want to go the Treehugger route mentioned earlier (i.e., getting rid of your car), then perhaps Honda's tips will help you greenify your drive. The company suggests no revving the engine to too high a speed, keeping the spedometer needle around 60 mph, shutting the car down in stopped traffic situations, not letting the car warm up and checking your tire pressure. There's a simplified chart ot the Trust's findings after the jump.

[Source: Honda]

Research findings (prepared for the EST and Consolidated Communications by ICM Research)

Question: Do you do any of the following when you're using your car?

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