Spy Shots: 2008 Saturn VUE naked

We showed you spy shots of the 2008 Saturn VUE earlier in the week, but that mule's shape was paritally obscured by a few rolls of black tape. Today we have shots of a VUE sans tape undergoing testing for water leaks that gives a crystal clear view of what the next VUE will look like. LeftLaneNews calls it a 2007 model, but we're betting the new VUE will actually be a 2008 model considering the current VUE is already listed on Saturn's website as a 2007 model. Clearly Saturn's new small CUV is a direct port of the Opel Antara that's about go on sale overseas. There it's motivated by a 224-hp, 3.2-liter V6 and a 141-hp, 2.4-liter four-cylinder, as well as a 150-hp, 2.0-liter diesel engine that's not long for these parts.
[Source: LeftLaneNews]

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