Nissan joins effort to "neutralize" journalists

Who knew it could be so easy to be carbon neutral? If you're an autojournalist working in the UK, all your travel to cover assignments can be made (effectively) emission free with a small fee paid to the carbon offset company Climate Care and the Guild of Motoring Writers. Then, yesterday, Nissan announced that if the journalist is traveling to cover a Nissan event, the flight and all press fleet bookings will be made carbon neutral, courtesy of Nissan.
The Press Office at Nissan is working with the CarbonNeutral Company to support a Scottish Forestry offset program at Carrifran Wildwood in Dumfries & Galloway and will plant up to 180 trees this year. The goal is to reforest Carrifran Wildwood so that it will offset 30,000 tons of CO2 over the next 100 years. In 2007, the Press Office will likely choose a different UK project.

And look, the office even has a sense of humor. The press release ends with, "Nissan is also looking to neutralise the emissions produced by the Press team itself. With all the hot air (this release excepted) that comes out of the office, the figure could be considerable." Cute.

[Source: Nissan]

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