F1 soon to be synonymous with green technology

Using waste heat and exhaust gases to power Formula 1 race cars will become the future of the league. Team representatives and members of F1's governing body met in Paris yesterday to discuss making the sport more green in the next five years. Both sides committed to taking a firmer stance on more energy efficient power sources and want to make F1 a "showcase for the automotive industry".
FIA president Max Mosley has been advocating renewable energy since earlier this year, and told F1 Racing in July that, "Making things light and efficient is a great F1 talent. The result would be blinding acceleration, but low fuel consumption." The FIA and the racing will soon establish a Working Group to discuss new ways of cutting costs by limiting "the use of wind tunnels, simulators (test rigs), simulations and where appropriate, the numbers of personnel". Perhaps they should talk to the folks who worked on the JCB Dieselmax.

[Source: iTV Sport]

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