Changes at the Ohio Fuel Cell Coalition

The Ohio Fuel Cell Coalition, an Ohio-centric group composed of more than 85 organizations operating all along the fuel cell chain, got some new board members and a new chairman this past week. William Dawson, President and Chief Executive Officer of NexTech Materials, was named the new chairman of the OFCC Board. Newly elected board members include:
  • Martin Abraham, Dean of the Graduate School and Professor of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, University of Toledo
  • Katrina Fritz Intwala, Director of Government Relations, Plug Power
  • John Lannutti, Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, The Ohio State University
  • John McGrath, Representative, Stark Development Board
  • Pat Santurri, Vice President New Ventures, Chemsultants International
  • Scott Wilshire, Chief Operating Officer, HydroGen LLC
The OFCC is made up of researchers, manufacturing groups, component suppliers, users, and economic development organizations and works to strengthen Ohio's fuel cell industry.

[Source: Ohio Fuel Cell Coalition]

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