Forbes' lists America's best driving roads

We have to hand it to Forbes' on this one. This has been a feature that some of us have been mulling over for several months. The only thing that has caused us to hesitate is simply greed. We don't want everyone to know about our favorite roads. We've kept them hidden for so long that divulging their locations would be like revealing a dark secret that a friend had entrusted us with.

Thankfully, Forbes has brought some of the more popular roads to light, so we don't expect a serious influx of Harley riders and wannabe racers on our asphalt shod meccas anytime soon.

So who was chosen to give away their favorite drives? Some pretty big names of the motoring world. People like Danica Patrick, Chrysler's Tom LaSorda, John Walton of Aston Martin, Skip Barber and Bob Lutz, just to name a few.

No surprise to us west-coasters, but many of the roads highlighted are found in the Golden State. Some focus around the Pacific coastline, while others are further inland. Accompanying the article is a photo gallery that provides maps of the selected stretches of tarmac, all of which will bestow the consummate gearhead with the one thing that makes our lives that much more complete; speed, twists and that soothing shot of adrenalin that seems to make everything right in our world.

Damn we love driving.

We know you have your favorites too and that's why there's a 'comments' section.

[Source: Forbes]

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