Chinese electric cars go for Miles

Looks like Zap and the Xebra have some competition on their hands. AutoWeek reports that the Miles Automotive Group is also importing Chinese manufactured electric vehicles to the US.

Miles is getting their proverbial shoe in the door by importing the ZX40, a wagon that falls under the category of low-speed vehicles as it tops out at just 25 miles per hour with a range of 40 miles. They are currently in the process of testing and certifying a highway capable model called the XS200 which uses lithium-ion batteries to produce a top speed of 80 mph and a range of 200 miles. David Hirsch, CEO of Miles Automotive Group, hopes to have about 40 dealers selling Miles electric vehicles by late 2007 when the XS200 is ready for sale.

Both vehicles are manufactured by Tianjin-Qingyuan Electric Vehicle Co. The ZX40 retails for $14,800 while the XS200 will sell for about $28,500.

[Source: AutoWeek]

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