Bill Ford talks about Ford's future

Could an interview with Bill Ford possibly be more timely? No sooner do rumors surface about a Ford-Renault-Nissan tie-up if the GM-Renault-Nissan talks fall through, than up pops an interview of the emabattled CEO by BusinessWeek's David Kiley.
The lengthy interview is well worth the read, with a number of questions hitting directly on key issues such as Bill Ford's suitability for the job of Ford Motor CEO, the role of the Ford family in the evolution of the company, and the possiblity of an alliance with Renault-Nissan.

Meanwhile, industry analysts are weighing in with their views on a possible Ford-Renault-Nissan alliance, with the consensus opinion largely in favor (in contrast to the negative reaction to a GM-Renault-Nissan deal). Where the benefits of the GM deal didn't seem worth the effort (with the possible exception of gaining a new CEO in Carlos Ghosn), analysts feel Ford would have much to gain out of such an alliance, including:
  • exploiting synergies with Ford Europe brands (recall that Renault was once rumored to be interested in acquiring Jaguar)
  • better synergies in the North American market (Ford's struggles to bring a competitive B-segment car to market come to mind)
  • an opportunity for Ford to exploit Renault-Nissan's proven purchasing expertise
  • less brand overlap than a GM deal
We shall see...

[Sources: BusinessWeek, Reuters]

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