Cougar Ace moored in Wide Bay as salvage continues


Weekend Update

The beleagured cargo ship Cougar Ace is now tied up to moorings belonging to the Icicle Seafood Company in Wide Bay, Unalaska Island. Swells caused the salvage team to cease operations earlier in the week, and the decision was made to relocate the Cougar Ace to the moorings in Wide Bay.

With the ship now safely moored, the salvage team has renewed pumping operations, and as of the last USCG report, her list has been measured at 58 degrees. Cougar Ace is carrying a load of some 4,700 Mazda vehicles in her hold.

Autoblog commenters add to the story

As Autoblog has covered the ongoing Cougar Ace story, our readers have submitted some valuable contributions of their own through the comments section. The breadth of content has been very impressive, including dealer-side insight regarding the cargo makeup, a report on the interior conditions from a purported member of the salvage team, a tribute from a friend to Marty Johnson, the engineer who lost his life in a tragic accident on board, and thoughts from a parent of a young man serving on the Coast Guard cutter that later transported Mr. Johnson's body.

The added perspective these commenters have provided is invaluable, and we at Autoblog are very thankful for your efforts.

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[Source: US Coast Guard]

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