Get inside the mind of BP America's chairman on ethanol and the future of oil

The Houston Chronicle sat down with BP America chairman Robert Malone for a Q & A on a variety of topics relating to the energy giant's stake in oil, the future of oil and what kind of car he drives. It's well worth reading, and here are a few choice quotes from the man who could have a lot of impact on how we power our cars.
  • - "The U.S. has been a net importer of oil for more than 40 years. That's not going to change. ... That's why BP is working to bring new oil from Russia and the Caspian to the world market. ... These [new oil field] investments are of strategic importance to BP and the U.S. But so are the billions we're investing in other parts of the world, in bio-fuels and in alternatives like solar and wind."
  • - "BP has been blending ethanol in gasoline for more than 25 years, and we sell ethanol-blend fuels in 20 states. Last year alone we blended 575 million gallons of ethanol with gasoline in the U.S. - eliminating about 1 million tons of CO2 emissions. I believe bio-fuels are here to stay."
  • - "Our shareholders want us to invest in alternative energy, and they want us to do it intelligently. That's why, over the next 10 years, we will invest $8 billion to expand the range of "low carbon" and "no carbon" energy options available to consumers."
[Source: Houston Chronicle]

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