New Cadillac marketing campaign aiming to create "lust"

By now we've all heard that Cadillac's new marketing agency, Modernista, is dumping the Led Zeppelin-themed "Break Through" campaign. Well, Automotive News is reporting that those boomer-targeted ads will be replaced by a campaign targeting "alphas," "hot moms" and "move-ups," as GM tries to "put a little lust back into the brand," in the words of Caddy marketing director Liz Vanzura.
Apparently, Vanzura is giving up on expanding Cadillac's share of the boomer market, saying "they are really stuck on Lexus, Mercedes-Benz and BMW and see no reason to switch." Instead, she hopes to ignite some Cadillac lust in younger buyers. Vanzura says that Caddy execs were startled - startled! - by consumer research showing that the only Cadillac product familiar to younger consumers was the Escalade SUV. (I'll bet they're no strangers to Lexus and BMW products, though. Wonder why?)

Of course, "younger" is a relative term, especially in the Cadillac frame of reference, where the median age of buyers is 59 (down from 64 in 2002!).

Cadillac sales were down 9 percent in the first half of 2006, although sales of the redesigned Escalade were up 25 percent.

Expect the new ad campaign to hit print and television in August with the tag line "Life. Liberty. And The Pursuit." Can't wait to see how Modernista's creatives tackle the "hot mom" market...

[Source: Automotive News]

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