One person's economic analysis of just how green owning a hybrid is

We linked to AutoblogGreen reader Jason Coyne's blog last week when he posted a review of the Toyota Camry Hybrid he recently purchased. He then wrote in to say he appreciated the extra attention his review got from that link (among others) and that someone sent him feedback on the review questioning just how green hybrids are. So, in good blogger fashion, he took a whack at the topic with a post titled "Are Hybrids Really Green - An Economic analysis of the real cost and benefits of owning a hybrid." Coyne breaks the costs down to two aspects: personal cost and cost to society, and figures that both come out ahead because he bought a hybrid. He wins because he saves an estimated $9,000 over the life of the car and society wins because hybrids emit fewer emissions and investing in a hybrid is voting with his dollars to encourage the auto manufacturers to make even cleaner cars tomorrow.
[Source: Geeks With Blogs]

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