Understanding the biofuel situation in Australia

A group called Clean Technology Australia collected investors, dealers and Australian biofuel company CEOs together for a forum to discuss the current situation and future possibilities of biofuels Down Under recently. The short of it is that biodiesel rules ethanol, but overall Australia lags behind the U.S. and Brazil. Australia could grow crops that would produce between 600 and 750 million liters of biofuel (a year?). Biodiesel is more popular than ethanol in Australia thanks to an existing infrastructure of large-scale production facilities. The companies that participated were Australian Biodiesel Group Ltd., Australian Renewable Fuels Ltd., and Australian Ethanol Ltd. Other biofuel news from Australia can be read here (insurance issues) and here (using food waste to make biofuels).
[Source: Cleantech Blog via SF Biofuels]

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