Deciding best mode of travel via colour

AutoblogGreen is part of Weblogs, Inc. and we periodically check our siblings for either interesting or missed auto news. Well, we found one fascinating post at The Social Software Weblog (SSW), a weblog covering software that help people communicate more easily, search each other, etc., not exactly where one normally looks for auto-related subject matter.
But SSW posted on, a nonprofit organization based in the U.K. has published a series of maps that visually show what is the best (or worse) method of travel in the country. Using a colour bar scale, which is seen at the right of the map, travel time is measure in one-hour increments with reds for journeys of four hours or less; yellows and orange for trips between four to eight hours; and blues for longer trips. The example map shows travel time originating from Cambridge and compares visiting the rest of the country via train or car. Since the reds and orange represent the former, it becomes quickly obvious which is the faster mode of travel and where.

More details and maps can be found at the link. There are no details if the project will be expanded in the U.K. or applied anywhere else in the world.

[Source: via The Social Software Weblog, picture by Department of Transport]

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