DOE looking for tips on cellulosic ethanol

Know anything about cellulosic ethanol? If so, the Department of Energy wants to hear from you. The DOE is "seeking information from industry, academia, and producers of cellulosic biofuels regarding the most beneficial and efficient way to consider implementation of Section 942 of EPAct", according to the message on the DOE's website. Section 942 promotes biofuels by calling for one billion annual gallons of cellulosic ethanol by 2015, making biofuels cost-competitive with diesel and gasoline and supporting small feedstock producers and rural small businesses involved.
The deadline for submissions to the DOE's request for information is 8 pm EST on July 14, and if you're looking to submit, just search the Internet for the world's least-user friendly email address. All right, to save you time, I'll include it here: Practical for the DOE, maybe, but c'mon.

[Source: DOE via Renewable Energy Access]

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