GEM electric vehicles part of G8 summit again

World Leaders will ride around in Global Electric Motorcars' e4 electric vehicles at the 2006 Summit. The Summit takes place in St. Petersburg, Russia from July 15-17. The Russian government bought 30 of the four-passenger e4s, which will be all dolled up with the Summit logo and flags of the G8 nations (U.S., Russia, Britain, France, Japan, Germany, Canada and Italy). One of the Summit's topics will be energy conservation. G8 leaders also used GEM vehicles, 38 of them, at their 2004 Summit on Sea Island, Georgia. It was apparently more newsworthy at the time, because the web is full of references to that event, but not with news of this years EV use. If you're not a world leader, you can always rent a GEM in San Francisco, as we posted about last month. GEM is a DaimlerChrysler company.
[Source: DaimlerChrysler]

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