Domestic automakers improve relationships with suppliers, but Asians still much favored


Within the auto industry, it's something of an secret that most suppliers prefer to work with Asian "transplant" OEMs, who are perceived to be easier to work with. Planning Perspective's recently released survey shows that the Big 3 are making substantive improvements, but still have a long ways to go until becoming Best Friends Forever with the companies that supply parts to them.

Toyota once again topped the survey, earning 407 points out of a possible 500. Honda followed behind with 366 points, and Nissan brought home the bronze with 300 points. All of those scores are down or flat from last year, but they're still substantially better than Stateside competition. Tops among domestic automakers? DaimlerChrysler with 218 points, followed by  Ford with 174, and General Motors bringing up the rear with just 131.

While 76 percent of Toyota's suppliers stated that their customer relationship was "good" or "very good" and 11 percent characterized their rapport as "bad", only 3 percent had a favorable view of their relationship with GM, and a whopping 86 percent called their situation "poor."

[Source: Detroit News]

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