Ohio and Indiana gunning for new Honda plant


Two states have emerged in the incentive-laden sweepstakes for Honda's next assembly plant in the U.S., Ohio and Indiana.

Ohio, of course, has enjoyed a long history with the automaker, including assembly plants in Marysville and East Liberty, along with a transmission plant in Russels Point and an engine facility in Anna... all within about 45 miles of each other. All-in, Honda employs about 16,000 workers in the state.

Indiana, for its part, would love to have a new $400 million facility within its borders, and Governor Mitch Daniels is hoping to land the project with aggressive incentives packages. Honda is looking at a handful of southeastern sites within around 100 miles of the company's aforementioned Anna engine plant, where drivetrain components will be sourced.

[Sources: The Associated Press via Chron.com; Bouwman.com]

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