Touring around San Francisco in an electric rental with GPS guidance

Here's another San Francisco-based story to complement the news of the SFFD going biodiesel. If you're in the city and want to go for a tour without emitting a lot of CO2 (at least, not from the vehicle you're riding in), then give a look to Electric Time Car Rentals and their GPS-based city audio tours.
Eric over at the traveling weblog Gadling recently took the cars for a spin and reports the experience was "pretty damn cool". The tours are available in six languages. Oh, and the GEM cars can go 25 mph and supposedly have no problem traveling through San Fran's hilly streets. Unlike some car rental operations, you only need to 21 to rent from Electric Time Rental Cars. Costs to rent the cars run at least $44 an hour or $164 a day.

[Source: Gadling]

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