Panamericana 2006: three biodiesel SUVs from Alaska to the southern tip of South America in 15 days

A tiny mention in a local Alaska newspaper, the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, points out that a German team of nine drivers will drive three Volkswagen's from Fairbanks, Alaska to the bottom of South America – a distance of 25,000 kilometers/15,500 miles - in just over two weeks. The drivers will be on the move around the clock and the goal is to raise awareness of biodiesel as a legitimate fuel choice. The ride will be recorded by two TV crews traveling with the team and parts of the footage will be made available free to media outlets. What would be really cool is if the planes that will fly the SUVs over the Panama Canal were using green technology, or if the vehicles could be moved over the water in a sailboat of some kind. For more information, check out the team's website here. The ride starts next week. [Source: Fairbanks Daily News-Miner]

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