Biodiesel Volkswagen delivery vehicles in Wisconsin. One more sign of the future.

This is a newspaper story we're going to be seeing more and more in the coming years. The Wisconsin State Journal set out to show how increasing gasoline prices are raising interest in biodiesel and other alternative fuels. The solid article then goes on to showcase local biodiesel promoters and producers in Wisconsin. If you're looking for information about just how "green" Green Bay is, this article might be the right place to start.

One cost comparison of going green in Wisconsin: a local pizzeria decided to invest $40,000 in four Volkswagens that run on either biodiesel or SVO (the article isn't exactly clear on this point) and now saves between $250 to $500 a week because they don't have to pay anyone to haul off the restaurant's waste oil. They just put it into their delivery vehicles. And if we use $375 as an average weekly saving, the store will recoup its investment in just over two years. After that, perhaps they'll tip the delivery folks a bit more each trip.

Another reason to shift to biodiesel: by mid-June, a Madison-based biodiesel fuel co-op hopes to be selling locally processed biodiesel to its members in June for around or under $3 a gallon. When summer's gasoline price spikes kick in, that'll sound awfully sweet. [Source: Wisconsin State Journal, Image Credit: Wisconsin State Journal]

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