TGIF: Honda taps college students for creativity in launching the Fit

Morley Zhi, Autoblog devotee and New York University student, tipped us off about a very cool advertising story... it's called the "Honda Fit Marketing Challenge," and as ad campaigns go, we're tickled by idea's creativity and simplicity. Here's how it goes:

Honda Motor Co. has chosen about 18 schools and doled out $2,500 to each to create a marketing campaign to launch the new Honda Fit. Students are charged with creating ads, doing some viral marketing and throwing a big bash to launch the Honda Fit at their school and in their community. Apparently, someone on Honda's marketing team has been TiVoing Donald Trump on The Apprentice.

The crew at NYU participating in the campaign has developed a web site that is popular among NYU students (and the Czech Republic, for whatever reason) and includes online video ads and a fun story generator. The team said they'd get photos from the event up soon (the may already be up by the time this post goes live).

Why is this a TGIF post, you ask? Because we want you to post your results of the Fit story generator in the comments section -- we could use a good laugh to ring in the weekend. (keep it clean please, folks)

Happy mad-libbing.

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