Mercury Milan: Not young mom friendly?

Writer Kristin Varela provides a unique review of the Mercury Milan, the middle triplet of Ford’s Fusion/Milan/Zephyr mid-size offerings. She takes a decidedly different tack than most reviews of this model. Instead of discussing how the Milan is based on the Mazda6 chassis or how the engine uses pushrods, Varela assesses the Milan from a young mother's perspective:
  • The Milan is simple to operate. (Sometimes it's just nice to get into a car without feeling like one needs to be a computer hacker just to operate the vehicle.)
  • She cannot fit her third child’s booster seat between her other two children when they’re in back.
  • She likes the in-dash storage unit. (Accessibility rocks!) Same with the climate controls on the steering wheel.
  • No manual release for the trunk or handhold to grip it.
  • As a result of these shortcomings, Valera wonders if the Milan is a suitable vehicle for modern women and mothers.
The last reason is somewhat ironic, as there has been quite a bit of speculation that Ford is actually targeting females for its Mercury-branded vehicles.

[Source: ABC News]

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