Ten cars for Brokeback boys n' gals in '06

About.com's Gay Life Guide Ramon Johnson compiled what he considers the ten gayest cars in 2006. Johnson himself prefaces the list by saying it's based on a combination of humor, style and sophistication.

With the Chevrolet Impala as the ‘Most Likely Low Down Cruiser', the Kia Sorento as 'Best Dragwagon', and the Mini Cooper as the Best 'Twinkmobile', he’s definitely addressing the Will and Jacks of the gay community.

Where’s the Volvo XC70? Or a ‘grossly oversized 60’s convertible’? And Johnson’s list is limited to American tastes. Where’s the Aston Martin, voted Europe’s Gay Car of the Year? 

Of note, the MX-5 (formerly known as the Miata) didn’t make the list. Looks like it's been replaced by the Solstice.

We've gone a round or two in the past with other publications' ideas of what qualifies as GLBT autodom, see  the posts below for extra credit: 

LGBT community prefers imports, survey says
Coming out… of the garage
Car-shopping site for gay buyers launched

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