Trick Trike: Australian Spykster illustrates novel steering concept


After seeing Volkswagen's wacky three-wheeled GX3 and the Type 1, our pal Dan Quelch took a moment to hip us to his own trike take... the Australian-built Spykster.

Built as a proof-of-concept for a Quelch's company's steering system, Spykster's insect-like layout necessitates a motorcycle-esque driving position (read: straddling). Powered by a 1998 Yamaha R1 engine (150 hp), the Spykster weighs in at 576 lbs, affording it a frightening power-to-weight ratio more in line with a bike than that of a car-- the prototype has already cleared 140 mph.

The most interesting thing about der übertrike isn't the oddball aesthetics, it's the unconventional directional controls that employ two separate levers. The steering system not only allows use of a twist throttle, it reportedly leaves "the rider free to deal with direction control and placement of his weight around the saddle. With balance and weight distribution being of such keen importance in motorcycle riding, this is indeed an interesting execution. What's more, Quelch and company posit that the steering system could be applied to any similar form of transportation, be it snowmobile or jet ski.

If you ever bring the Spykster Stateside, Dan, give us a ring at Autoblog Towers... we'd like a mitts-on demonstration.

Check out the Spykster's steering system in action here.

[Source: Spykster Developments]

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