Gettelfinger speaks out at annual UAW political conference


If there's a single thing we can count on in the auto industry through these troubled times it's that UAW head Ron Gettelfinger will have something to say.  

Speaking about the bankruptcy of Delphi, he called the supplier's situation a "mechanical bankruptcy" and stated that there was no need for the supplier to enter Chapter 11. He also issued a warning against cancelling union contracts, and referred to the situation at Tower Automotive as "highly critical".

He also suggested certain lobbying efforts for the UAW, such as trying to block the removal of tariffs on Thai pickup trucks (likely to be an uphill battle), and pushing for tax breaks for American companies that invest in advanced technologies such as alternative fuels and hybrids.

Gettelfinger also stated that the UAW needs to do a better job of connecting with the portion of the public that doesn't agree with the union, but first, he started off the speech with a not-so-complimentary clip called "Liar" aimed at a certain current president of the United States. I'm guessing he's bummed over not getting a Christmas card from the White House or something like that.

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