AutoWeek blatantly flaunts their ties to Toyota

We weren't really impressed by the mugshot laden "blog" AutoWeek ran for the Detroit Auto Show. Now we're almost floored by the blog of Dutch Mandel, editor and associate publisher of AutoWeek. In his first post, he clearly states he's on the take…uh we mean, well just go read his post and you'll be mildly amused by his "transparency." In blogging we use that word to show we have no ties to our sources in any way. It also means we clearly tell readers who are advertisers are etc. Dutch is being transparent too. He's clearly saying Toyota is paying his way to Geneva and that some of the other three bloggers probably are being flown over by other companies. So readers need to keep in mind that there might be rose tinted glasses all around. WOW! At least no one's hiding the fact anymore. And just to remind everyone: no one paid for Autoblog to go to Detroit or Chicago nor New York later in the month.

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