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Aston Martin One-77 designer gives back to teacher who changed his life

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It's a pretty fair bet that we've all had "that" teacher. The educator that stood out above all the others while we were in school and not only taught us, but made us into a better person – our very own Mr. Feeny, Mr. Belding, Mr. Holland or even Mr. Miyagi.

The Windsor Star has the story of one such teacher and her troubled student that went on to help design some of the most desirable cars in the auto industry. Karlene Berry spent 30 years as a teacher, and among her many, many students is Michael Lehti, the product of a broken home and self-described has having "never been the greatest academic."

What Lehti could do, though, was design cars. With the help of Berry's class, he overcame his early obstacles and went on to work with the design team on the Aston Martin One-77 (pictured above) and the RUF CTR3, among other vehicles.

With Lehti and Benson's old school closing, the pupil reached out to his teacher 32 years after graduation to say "thanks" and pay tribute for her impact on his life. Head on over to The Windsor Star, and check out this inspiring story.

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