Super Bowl Safety - Are You Ready for Super Bowl Sunday?

The Super Bowl is a true American tradition, and this year in Massachusetts, there is an even higher level of anticipation than usual - the Patriots will face off with the Giants! But have you thought about Super Bowl safety?

Whichever team you're rooting for this Super Bowl Sunday, make sure you're ready when you get behind the wheel. It's not just the wintry New England weather that you'll need to be prepared for - Super Bowl Sunday can be dangerous on the roads because of all the parties. Super Bowl drunk driving is rampant - more drivers are involved in alcohol-related accidents on Super Bowl Sunday than any day of the year besides St. Patrick's Day, according to the Insurance Information Institute. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 48% of U.S. traffic fatalities on Super Bowl Sunday are alcohol related.

The best thing you can do to stay safe on Super Bowl Sunday is be prepared. Make plans in advance and include finding a designated driver in your game day preparations. If you find yourself in need, but without a designated driver after the game (and hopefully those drinks will have been celebratory!), there are many alternatives to getting behind the wheel. Call a cab, take public transportation, book a room, or if you must get home with your car on Sunday night, the Tipsy Tow will pick you, your car and as many friends will fit in the truck up and bring you back home. Call 1-800-AAA-HELP (1-800-222-4357), anywhere in the US and Canada, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week to request the Tipsy Tow.

If you're throwing a Super Bowl party, create a safer party environment by making sure you have plenty of food to serve along with alcoholic beverages, so no one drinks on an empty stomach. You could also offer non-alcoholic beverages as well, so everyone has something to sip on during the game. There are so many Super Bowl recipes, and many of them are easy! A simple Google or Pinterest search will have armed with tons of ideas for snacks that will help keep your party safe.

Whatever your plans this Sunday, everyone at MassDrive wishes you a safe and fun Super Bowl. Go Patriots!

Photo by chipgriffin

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