Childhood Redeemed: Lego artist creates jaw-dropping four-wheeled creations

Firas Abu-Jaber's Lego cars - click above for a high-res gallery

This is how you tell the master from the journeyman: Give them a common task, place the same tools in each of their hands, and while journeyman's results will be acceptable, the master's results will be amazing. Firas Abu-Jaber has a way with Legos that certainly qualifies him as a master in the medium when it comes to building cars.

By his own admission, having played with Legos since he started eating cereal, he is now proficient enough with the regular blocks – not the specialized sets – to create all manner of realistic vehicles and interiors. His work speaks for itself, so have a look at the gallery below to see what passion can do with a set of Legos.

[Source: MOC Pages (via Jalopnik)]

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