RR of the Day: 1969 VW Beetle

This is a tale of a man and his first love, which for a young man named Matt, and many of the rest of us, happens to be a car. Matt came to own his 1969 VW Beetle as a hand-me-down that had been bought and sold through a few family members before winding up with him. He's been driving it since he received his license in 2003, and as many of the pictures attest, the little Bug has weathered more than a few Colorado winters and come out the other side.

We applaud Matt for getting his hands dirty in the back of the bug where he and a buddy installed a new motor after the original one began giving him trouble, but have to question the decision to install sub woofers and an enclosed speaker box on such a classic car (love the luggage rack, though!).

Nevertheless, we've chosen Matt's '69 Beetle as today's RR of the Day not just on account of the close relationship he has with ride, but also to pay our respects, for you see recently one of the Bug's control arms failed, sending Matt and his steed into the guard rail on a snowy evening. It's fixable, but chances are this college student won't be able to sacrifice his beer and pizza fund to take on the job. All we can say to ease your pain Matt is that this too shall past. We all remember our first car love, and how hard it was to give her up when that unrepairable problem finally came around to roost.

How to submit to RR of the Day:
Create a Flickr account if you don't already have one. Join the group called 'Autoblog RR of the Day'. Upload up to three photos of your ride to your own account at a size no larger than 450 pixels wide if possible and include as much information about it and yourself as you can. Click on each photo and just above the picture it will say "Send to group". Click that and select the Autoblog group. You're done!

See Matt's entire Flickr photo set by clicking here.

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