10 Articles
Open Road
What car brand should come back?

History is littered with failed car brands awaiting reanimation.

Let's look at the candidates, evaluate their merits, and see if we can agree which brand deserves to rise from the ashes.

Gran Turismo 6 team rebuilds Mario Andretti's first racecar

Gran Turismo 6 hits the shelves today, y'all. Unless you're waiting for Santa to stuff a copy in your stocking (or have been embargoed from buying video games until after the holidays by well-meaning loved ones), you should probably go out an pick up a copy of The Real Driving Simulator's latest iteration. We're in the process of reviewing the title right now... stay tuned for more on that next week.

RR of the Day: What's up, Doc?

Though I and my generation weren't raised during Hudson's heyday, we can thank Pixar and Disney for picking up and dusting off the automaker's most famous model – the Hornet. The Hudson Hornet is experiencing a revival right now thanks to the animated film CARS that featured a Hornet named Doc who has all the answers.