5 Articles
eBay find of the day: Ed Begley's Toyota RAV4 EV

Get a classic electric vehicle in good condition and with lots of cred

You might know Ed Begley, Jr. from his Emmy-nominated role on St. Elsewhere or as one of the dead drummers in This Is Spinal Tap, his appearances on Arrested Development, Six Feet Under, and Battlestar Galactica, his reality show Living With Ed o

Bill Nye The Science Guy Talks Autonomous Cars

As kids, many of us were conditioned to develop an affinity for Bill Nye. Think about it. If you were watching his popular educational show Bill Nye The Science Guy it meant either one of two things: you were sitting at home enjoying a strong 90's-era lineup of after-school programming on PBS, or your science teacher didn't show up for class again

Know who loves electric cars? Bill Nye the Science Guy

During the Plug-in 2009 conference in Long Beach, California last week, the most passionate advocates for plugging in their cars came out in droves for the public night. Seems that once people get a taste of plugging in their car instead of sucking down fuel at the gas station, they really, really like it. The panel for the evening was made up of Chris Paine, director of Who Killed The Electric Car? and the forthcoming follow-up; Chelsea