5 Articles
ZAP licenses Smart Charger Controller from Battelle

Electric car maker/modifier Zap has been busy lately. At the end of February, they took an order for 100 electric SUVs from Korean company Samyang, who also happens to be its strategic investor and distribution partner. Now, they've announced an agreement with Battelle, an international science and

25% more efficient 'Portable' hydrogen fuel cell!

Battelle has developed and is marketing their Multipurpose Electric Power System (MEPS) fuel cell which is 25 percent more efficient than traditional internal combustion engine generator technology and can put out more than five kilowatts of power. The MEPS runs quietly, producing 20 litres (5.3 gallons) of usable water per day and runs on conventional fuels. Its design makes it ideal as an auxiliary power source on combat vehicles or as a stand-alone generator.