
This wasp 'mega-nest' inside a Chevy Malibu is terrifying

Seems like reason enough to never abandon a car on your lawn

Coming back to your car after it’s been sitting for an extended period and encountering some wildlife that made it into their home can be a harrowing experience, even if it's something as harmless as a spiderweb and its eight-legged inhabitant. But imagine coming back to your parked car and seeing this.

YouTuber Stinger Creations is a channel for a man named Jude and his business as a professional beekeeper, honeybee preserver, and an exterminator from south Louisiana. Jude was recently called to action for his expertise in removing and saving a supposed honeybee nest in what appears to be a Chevrolet Malibu from the mid-2000s. Upon arriving to the scene, however, Jude discovered that it wasn’t an innocent honeybee nest, but a massive nest of southern yellowjackets engulfing the entire front- and rear-passenger seat footwells.

Jude records his entire experience in exterminating the nest in three different videos. The first video surveys the size of the nest.

The second video shows him safely dressing up in a protective suit and puncturing the nest to gauge its population. He also proves how crazily defensive yellowjackets can get of their home by setting up his GoPro camera in front of a creepy dummy Joker head to exemplify how they swarm when provoked.

He also points out the various wet dot spots on the driver-side door panel, which are all venom drops emitted from the wasps. Jude notes that he can even smell the odor of the venom as he further explores the “mega-nest.”

The last video update, shown at the top of this page, shows one of Jude’s partners sitting in the infested Malibu's driver’s seat as the nest continues to swarm. And well, it’s outright terrifying.

The southern yellowjacket, or Vespula squamosa, is one of the many common black-and-yellow patterned social wasps in North America. They do not produce honey and carnivorously feed off insects and dead animal carcasses. They produce painful stings and are considered a pest due to prominently building nests in urban areas. When they sting and swarm, they utilize their pheromonic venom to attract other nestmates to a specific location.

Besides being a whole big glass of nope, if we had it our way, we would’ve either pushed the Malibu off a cliff and into the ocean or killed the entire thing with fire. OK, maybe that would be cruel? We'd at least run fast and far away.

H/T: Paul S.

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