Road raging cyclist betrayed to cops by amazing mustache

A Bay Area cyclist pled guilty to felony assault and vandalism last week over a violent altercation with female driver last summer.

According to the Los Angeles Times, Ian Hespelt pleaded guilty to charges of felony assault and vandalism in connection with an incident that happened last year during a San Francisco Critical Mass ride. In August 2015, Hespelt and a group of cyclists were caught on video attacking a woman driving a ZipCar in the Marina District. After an alleged failure to yield to the cyclist on the part of the driver, the group surrounded the car and harassed the driver.

"You ain't going nowhere! Put it in park!" one of the cyclists shouted.

The altercation escalated as the driver attempted to escape the enraged cyclists, until one picked up his bike and slammed it into the car's hood. Another cyclist with an amazing handlebar mustache, later identified as Hespelt, used a U-lock to batter the car's hood and windows. A few days after the incident, Hespelt was arrested near AT&T Park by San Francisco Police bicycle cops who recognized his conspicuous mustache from the video of the clash posted to YouTube.

Hespelt caused $1400 worth of damage to the ZipCar according to the San Francisco Examiner. Upon his arrest, he pleaded not guilty to charges of assault with a deadly weapon, vandalism, false imprisonment, and maliciously and willfully throwing a substance at a vehicle. Since his conviction, Hespelt is free of custody but is scheduled to return to court in July to face sentencing.

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