
Your visual guide to 2017 Formula 1 car changes

The guys over at have put together a rendering of what current Formula 1 cars look like compared to the ones expected in 2017. The rule changes taking place after next season are intended to make the cars faster and more challenging to drive, and enable more passing. We've lost track of how many times we've heard that and how many rule changes we've been through to to make it happen. That being said, 2017's rule changes are admittedly radical, with cars to have more downforce than ever.

The powers that be said they wanted cars that are five seconds faster per lap, so the coming chassis' are longer, wider, lower, and sleeker, with massive diffusers in contrast to today's cars. The amounts might not seem like much, but in a sport where a tiny fraction of a millimeter can mean a blown engine, having a nose that is almost eight inches longer and a rear wing that is nearly six inches wider will bring about huge changes in behavior. Other revisions go beyond length - the front wing will remain 180 centimeters wide, but be raked. The tires will be noticeably wider, and Pirelli says the rubber alone will be good for three seconds of that five seconds per lap.

It's said the cars will add 100 pounds of downforce, 30 percent more than today, while suffering from only ten percent more drag. In truth, though, no one knows how this is going to play out since the amount of aero versus mechanical downforce grip in practice isn't clear. Drivers and engineers all support cars that are more exciting and challenging drive, but not all agree that 2017 will bring the desired result. On top of that, Auto Moto und Sport says the new regs might not be introduced in 2017, but could be ushered in with the new engine formula expected in 2018.

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