
The airing of the automotive grievances

A Festivus For The Rest Of Us!

Happy Festivus! Not familiar with the holiday? You must not be a Seinfeld fan. But seriously, the whole idea of Festivus has gotten so big that many people around the world commit to celebrating, with the traditional airing of the grievances and feats of strength. Today's the day, and we're doing our part.

If you've ever been privy to a day in the Autoblog office, you know that the first chunk of every morning starts with a discussion about what we're driving, which usually spirals into rants about specific things about certain cars, automakers, or industry trends we absolutely hate. So in the spirit of Festivus, we're airing our automotive grievances for all to see.

Have a look at the video above to see what ticks off our editors the most. And, of course, air your own grievances in the comments below.

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