The List

The List #0025: Compete in the Rallye Aicha des Gazelles

Host Jessi Combs Competes In The All-Women's Moroccon Off Road Rally

The Rallye Aïcha des Gazelles du Maroc is an annual all-women's off road rally in the Moroccan desert. Teams of two must navigate between various checkpoints using only a rudimentary map and compass. Host Jessi Combs pairs with driver Nicole Pitell to take on the grueling, nine-day rally race, as co-host Patrick McIntyre tracks their progress in the desert heat.

"The thing that's going to drive me nuts today is that we can't help," Patrick tells Jessi moments before she departs on a two-day marathon leg. "We can do nothing but watch."

For Jessi – an experienced off-road racer in her own right – navigating the Sahara in the team's Total Chaos Tacoma is a challenge unlike any other.

"You know when you've ever really, truly been lost and you don't know where you are and you start to getting that anxiety feeling? Now, take that and put it into the middle of Morocco," explains Jessi. "And we're just this lost, little spec, and it's our responsibility to get us un-lost and back to safety."

How will Jessi fare among the newcomers class and ten US teams in attendance? Watch as she checks "compete in the Rallye Aïcha des Gazelles" off of her list.

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