
'I'm drunk bro': video shows driver crash into woman's car

One Illinois man probably wishes he had listened to his fellow restaurant patrons before he got behind the wheel while drunk and collided head on with another car.

Samuel Salas was so drunk as he was leaving a restaurant in DeKalb, Illinois, that other patrons had tried to stop him. Ryan Taylor was also in the restaurant and shot the video of Salas leaving the parking lot with his cellphone. After turning out of the parking lot and driving a few hundred feet, Salas turned in front of a car and caused a head-on collision. Taylor told InsideEdition that several patrons had tried to stop Salas from driving.

Taylor confronts Salas while still recording just after the crash. Salas' defense was "Hey, I'm drunk, bro!"

Everyone involved in the crash escaped with minor injuries. Salas was charged with drunk driving.

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