
Child injured by drunk driver dies six years after crash

A young boy in Texas died Sunday, six years after a drunk driving accident left him brain dead.

Abdallah Khader was just two-years-old when Stewart Richardson crashed into the family's sedan at an Arlington, TX intersection on February 20, 2009. Abdallah's brain was severely damaged in the crash and he was left completely immobile and tethered to an oxygen tank. His health had been declining over the last year, according to his mother, Loubna Khader. He died at Cook Children's Medical Center in Fort Worth, TX, following a bout of pneumonia.

Richardson had several DUI charges on his record the day he crashed into Abdallah and his family. He awaits trail in the Tarrant County, TX,jail, where he's been incarcerated longer than any other inmate. His trial has been delayed – prosecutors are working to get Richardson's criminal records from other states taken into account, so they may be used against him in this case.

Last year, Loubna confronted Richardson about the crash. She allowed news cameras to film the meeting, during which Richardson begged for forgiveness. He apologized and told Loubna he thought about Abdallah daily.

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