Owner Of Car Flipped During University Celebration Receives Donations

Michigan State student's car was totaled by classmates

A senior at Michigan State received an outpouring of support after his car became a casualty of celebrations that devolved into riots last weekend.

Steven Ripley's car was flipped by rowdy crowds celebrating their college's Big Ten Championship victory over Ohio State University. Ripley told The State News the cost of repairing his car, which ended up on its hood, ended up being greater than the car's worth.

Fellow Spartan Karen Woods felt she needed to do something to regain her alma mater's good name while helping an innocent bystander. She set up a page with the crowd-funding site GoFundMe to help replace Ripley's totaled car.

"Acts like these make people look down on our university, our fans and our students," Woods wrote on her page 'Spartans Stand Together.' Spartans agree with her. At the moment the page has drawn $6,418 in donations, twice the stated goal of $3,000.

This isn't the first time Lansing police have donned riot gear after a Michigan State sports victory. MSU's bad reputation for destructive celebrations goes back to the late 1990s. According to Deadline Detroit, at least 57 fires were set and 15 people were arrested after the Spartans beat the Buckeyes 34 - 24.

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