
Red Bull riders run real-life Excitebike course

Growing up as both a dirtbike and video game enthusiast, I always found it odd that Nintendo's Excitebike featured straight-line supercross riding. Proving that some ideas are better executed in real life, Red Bull has created its own take on this video game's racing style with the Straight Rhythym supercross track.

Straightened out, this Red Bull track is a half-mile of jumps, tabletops and whoopty doos, and the video makes it look no less challenging than a standard supercross track. On its site, Red Bull says that this new track represents "the day supercross evolved," but it isn't clear if the company is trying to create a new racing series based on this unwound course. There is a video of the action posted below, but you can also head over to Red Bull's site for other videos of this track being used.

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