
US added about 180 charging stations in May

US plug-in vehicle drivers have public access to about 180 more charging stations than they did a month ago, as the rate of additional station deployments appears to be settling at about 200 units a month.

There were 6,048 publicly accessible stations as of May 28, up from 5,866 stations on April 26, according to the US Department of Energy. Station numbers totaled about 5,200 as of the end of last year.

Walgreens continues to be the most EV-friendly retailer, increasing its number of charging stations by five this month to a total of 369. Kohl's was home to 59 stations, while Kwik Trip stores accounted for 52 stations, up from 48 a month ago. Whole Foods and McDonald's had 40 and 37 stations, respectively.

Regionally, the West Coast continued to be the easiest place for plug-in drivers to recharge. California boosted its nation-leading total of public stations by 42 stations to 1,318. Washington State had 339 stations, while Oregon had 326 stations.

Meanwhile, Texas and Florida had 461 and 371 stations, respectively. Tennessee, where Nissan started US production on the all-electric Leaf earlier this year, had 293 public stations deployed.

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