Original BTTF DeLorean getting museum-quality restoration

Back to te Future Delorean DMC-12 A Car restored We've seen plenty of Back to the Future DeLorean DMC-12 replicas pass through the halls of the internet. In that time, we've always assumed the original movie car was tucked away safely in a museum somewhere. As it turns out, that wasn't the case. Of all the vehicles created for the three films, the most detailed hero car, otherwise known as the A Car, was left on display outside. The ensuing years of suffering in the elements weren't kind to the DMC-12, and Bob Gale, co-writer for the BTTF saga, is now working to have the vehicle completely restored to its original condition.

Joe Walser, J Ryan and Terry Matalas are currently working to get the car back to its former glory, but the project needs help. The craftsmen may not need roads where they're going, but they do need anyone with photos of the original A Car or parts from any of the movie DeLorean models to reach out via TimeMachineRestoration@gmail.com or the restoration's Facebook page. Very cool.

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