IED Torino students revisit Cisitalia 202 with Geneva-bound concept

Back in the mid-40s, Pininfarina designed a car for Cisitalia called (simply enough) the 202. The auto marque has long since died, but the 202 lives on as a hallmark of harmonious design. Now the students at the IED in Turin are paying homage with a new design study slated for unveiling at the upcoming Geneva Motor Show.

Something of a collective thesis project by the masters students of the school's transportation design program, the Cisitalia 202 E Concept was penned by Chin-Hsuan Chen of Taiwan and implemented under the watchful eyes of Pininfarina and Maserati head designers. More of a 1:1 model than a rolling show car, the 202 E (for Evoluzione) would (theoretically) be powered by a V8 driving 450 horsepower to the rear set of 19-inch wheels and follows such recent designs as Scorp-ION of 2011 and the Maserati Chicane of 2008.

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