
Nissan aims to sell as many as 2,000 DC fast chargers by 2014

Nissan is looking to sell as many as 2,000 DC quick-charging stations within the next two years, as the Japanese automaker looks to boost sales of its all-electric Leaf by providing owners an opportunity to almost completely recharge the car in a half hour, Green Car Reports reported, citing an interview with Nissan North America spokesman Brendan Jones.

Nissan is planning to distribute more than 800 "Level 3" stations, which are based on the CHAdeMO protocol and operate at 480 volts, within the next couple of months, and is planning to sell more than 1,000 by year end, the website said, citing Jones. Nissan may work out an agreement in which its distribution partners would temporarily offer free charging. Many of the charging stations, which can recharge 80 percent of a Leaf's battery in as little as 30 minutes, will likely be located in urban areas as well as along well-traveled highways like California's Interstate 5, according to the website.

The automaker made news last fall by saying it would offer quick charging stations for as little as $9,900, or about half the price of the Leaf's prior quick-charging station. Nissan, which developed its Level 3 charger with Sumitomo, said last September that it planned to sell 5,000 of the compact quick chargers by March 2016 as part of its efforts to accelerate Japan's charging infrastructure.

Automotive and technology analysts view quick chargers as more likely to be acquired by public entities and businesses, as opposed to private residences, because of their high power requirements and price tag. Such devices can charge a Nissan Leaf from halfway "full" to almost completely charged in about the same time it takes to fill a tank of gas.

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