Spy Shots

Mystery EV sportscar spotted testing

It's been a good long while since we visited the Whiskey Tango Foxtrot spy photography department. Our favorite snappers at CarPix were busily watching over a supplier test facility when the curiosity you see above inched its way out of hiding to perform one quick lap of the snow-covered track before retreating back from whence it came. The sign on the door clearly marks the vehicle as electric (well, "clearly" if you speak German), though details beyond that are conspicuously scarce. From the looks of things, the car has a significantly wider track up front than it does out back, though it's difficult to say exactly what that means.

Which manufacturer is behind this machine? What kind of drivetrain does it boast? Is it actually headed for production? Is it from a major automaker or a niche proposition? The short answer is we haven't the faintest idea. Place your bets in Comments.

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